Save the Dates

It’s that time of the year again! Our seasons are winding down and it’s almost time for some R and R! I understand some are already doing the big countdown! Well, here are a few dates to remember when making your plans.

First is Monday October 23, 2023. Our annual Halloween Themed meeting at Lodi
Festival (Fair) Grounds. Catered dinner will be served at 6 p. m. General meeting at 7 pm. Come in costume if you’d like. Bring a yummy desert and a few raffle prizes.

Next is the Yearbook deadline. November 1, 2023. Please get your pages in to Linda
Davisson a.s.a.p. Yearbook Chairman, Linda says that the book doesn’t magically appear! She puts a lot of hard work into making our beautiful yearbooks so please help her out. (Due to the rise in the cost of the book, pages will be $125.00 each this year) If you need to contact her, I will include her informaion at the bottom.

Finally is the Annual Banquet and Ball. Saturday January 13, 2024 is the date. It will be held at Wine and Roses in Lodi, California. The address is: 2505 West Turner Road, Lodi, CA. The phone number is: 888-801-1519. I will send out more information after the meeting on the 23rd.

On a sad note, two fellow showwomen have lost their battles with cancer. We lost Lori Nunemaker and Helen Lance just recently. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families. I have no other information at this time, this is just heard through the grapevine from reliable sources.

Yearbook chairwoman, Linda Davisson
